From January to March 2020 the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council PLACE-EE Project worked with participants from the villages of Derrygonnelly (Fermanagh) and Gortin (Tyrone). The Derrygonnelly based Project also involved primary school pupils from two of the local schools; Killyhommon P.S and Derrygonnelly P.S. The Participants undertook a number of reminiscence-based activities with their facilitator Helen Sharp and looked at ways of introducing digital technology as a communication and research aid.
The following video it’s a compilation of their reflections on what technology means to them and its influence on their everyday lives.
Margmiðlunarkennsla í Fjarðabyggð – Yngri og eldri þátttakendur
What does ‘being old’ mean to you?
At the commencement of the Reminiscence Project, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council worked with ‘Linking Generations Northern Ireland’ who carried out preparation sessions in each of the two Primary schools involved; Killyhommon P.S and Derrygonnelly P.S.
This was very useful in establishing a baseline for the upcoming Intergenerational Reminiscences project, enabling us to better gauge any attitudinal changes in the younger people towards older people over the course on the workshops.
During the workshop one group identified ‘Older People’ as those over 50 years of age, following an exercise to discuss common characteristics of ‘Older People’ they somewhat thankfully revised this up to those over 70.
Það er aldrei of sein að eignast vini
Það er aldrei of sein að eignast vini. (English subtitles)
Hópur eldri þátttakenda ræða saman um hvernig lífið var í Neskaupsstað þegar þau voru ung.
A group of older participants discuss how life was in Neskaupsstaður, their hometown, when they where young.
Skapandi sumarstörf – júní 2019
Skapandi sumarstörf í Fjarðabyggð – Creative summerjobs in Fjardabyggd
(English below)
Hér er okkar frábæri hópur unglinga frá einum af tveimur hópum sem tóku þátt í skapandi sumarstörfum.
Our wonderful group of youngsters from one of two groups from this summers creative jobs project.
Þetta verkefni var samstarfsverkefni Fjölskyldusviðs Fjarðabyggðar og annara samstarfsaðila; Place-EE verkefni Fjölskyldusviðs, Menningarstofa Fjarðabyggðar, Íþrótta og tómstundasvið Fjarðabyggðar, grunnskólar Fjarðabyggðar á Eskifirði og Fáskrúðsfirði (frístundaaðstaða), hjúkrunarheimli á Eskifirði og Fáskrúðsfirði (aðstaða fyrir sýningu á afrakstri verkefnisins og viðtöl við íbúa), ásamt öðru starfsfólki Fjarðabyggðar sem sá um utanumhald verkefnisins á borð við rútuferðir milli bæjarkjarna og samskipti við alla aðila.
Verkefnið var sett upp sem vikulangt verkefni, sem var haldið tvisvar á sitthvorum staðnum, Eskifirði og Fáskrúðsfirði.
Krakkarnir hittust í stuttan undirbúning áður en þau fóru og hittu hóp eldri borgara á hjúkurnarheimilunum. Algengustu spurningarnar sem eldri borgararnir fengu voru;
Hvað gerðirðu þegar þú varst ung/ur?
Hvaða er mikilvægur viðburður fyrir þig og er einhver sérstakur staður sem hefur mikilvæga þýðingu fyrir þig og þá hvers vegna?
Krakkarnir vinna að spurningum fyrir eldriborgaranna
Younger group working on questions for the older group
Eftir viðtölin reyndu krakkarnir að búa til mynd eða hugmynd inn í einhverskonar listform sem þau gætu unnið út úr þeim hugmyndum sem kviknuðu út frá viðtölunum. Krakkarnir fóru síðan í vinnuaðstöðuna sem þeim var úthlutað í grunnskólunum og notuðust við efnivið sem mikið til var endurunnið efni. Þau unnu listverk út frá þeirri sýn sem kom til þeirra í viðtalinu við eldri borgarana.
Eftir um það bil þriggja daga vinnu, þá héldu krakkarnir sýningu fyrir eldri borgarana á hjúkrunarheimilunum, sem voru hinimlifandi með útkomuna eins og sjá má af myndum.
Þetta er Kristinn Þór, hann var kennari og skólastjóri í Fjarðabyggð í fyrri tíð.
This is Kristinn Þór, he used to be a teacher and a principal in Fjardabyggd.
Hér fyrir neðan eru síðan svipmyndir frá sýningunni, og eins og sjá má eru krakkarnir stoltir með útkomuna og eldri borgararnir dást að verkum ungdómsins
Here are some of the items from the exhibition, you can see the proud children and happy storytellers admiring the work
Myndir frá vinnustofunnum
Snapshots from the workshops
Creative summerjobs in Fjardabyggd
This project was a cooperation between Fjardabyggd through several partners. Place-EE project in Fjardabyggd and the main office, Fjardabyggd Cultural department, youth and sports officer in Fjardabyggd, elementary schools in Eskifjörður and Fáskrúðsfjörður (for craft rooms facilitations), elderly homes in Eskifjörður and Fáskrúðsfjörður (facilitation for exhibitions and interviews), along with other Fjardabyggd staff for coordination of the project, like transport and communication.
The project was a weeklong setup, and was held twice during the two last weeks in June.
The younger groups meet up with our older groups in order to interview them. The question most frequently asked to the elders where the following;
What did you use to do as a younger person?
What is an important life event for you and is there one place in particular that has a special meaning for you and why?
After the interview where the younger group tried to grasp an image or an idea to transform into an artform of some kind. They went to the art facility and used mostly reusable material to create their vision or their interview with their elder person.
After about three days of work, they held an exhibition for the older participants, who were thrilled with the outcome, as can be seen from our pictures of the opening.
Listrænir stjórnendur / Creative Art facilitators:
Ragnhildur Lára Wiesshappel (Artist and teacher)
Unnur Sveinsdóttir (Artist and assistant teacher)
Skellefteå Place EE Project Documentary
Skellefteå Place EE Project Documentary
This film documents the Place EE Project workshops that took place in Skellefteå in 2019. Many thanks to the students from Kanal Skolan and the older citizens from Skellefteå who took part.
The film is also available on YouTube:
Place EE- An Overview from a Limerick Perspective
Limerick’s Showcase Event
Limerick had a wonderful showcase event in the Woodlands House Hotel in Adare, Limerick on the 17th October. The event which was officially opened by the Deputy Mayor Adam Teskey highlighted the work to date on Place EE from a Limerick perspective. Key note speakers included Catherine Mc Guigan CE of Age Friendly Ireland, Anne Rizzo, Regional Manager from Age Friendly Limerick and the lovely Fiona Mc Cann from Ulster University. Over 120 persons attended including key stakeholders from Limerick’s community coalition.
This following image library highlights the event in images;
Limericks Place EE Showcase Event
Family History
The lovely Hillary Collins explains her family connections with South America. Wonderful to share family history to keep the memories of those past alive.
PLACE-EE Feedback from Fermanagh & Omagh
PLACE-EE Feedback from Fermanagh & Omagh
Derrylin & Trillick participants of the PLACE-EE workshops in Fermanagh & Omagh discussing some of the fascinating objects that they brought in as well as feeding back on the workshops